ESA Technology Broker Spain

End to End Services customized for Spanish Ecosystem

The Approach in Spain

ESA Technology Brokers facilitate the transfer of technology for commercial purposes, using space technology to meet industrial challenges and terrestrial innovations to meet space ones. The network is formed by dedicated national specialists bringing together space and non-space industries. ESA’S Technology Brokers have two main objectives: First, to solve industrial challenges using innovative space technology. Second, to help cutting-edge companies bring their terrestrial innovations into the space domain.

They are part of the regional and national innovation ecosystems of their country, but act as a network to ensure a pan-European reach. The network offered a wide range of tailored support, customized at each country.

ESA Technology Broker Spain focuses on technology transfer between space and the sectors where space technology can have a transformative impact, fostering growth, efficiency, and competitiveness of Spanish economy, including, among others, Industry 4.0, Mobility, Infrastructure, Construction, Energy, Logistics, Tourism and Agriculture. We specially care about sustainability and regions.

Technology Brokerage

Technology Brokers act as a mediator between different entities, spreading the hybridization of space technology and identifying technological needs and opportunities. As such, ESA Technology Brokers offer:

  • Technology scouting. Technology Brokers use a combination of market pull and technology push to find the best solution to your problem. With a catalogue of available Technologies, from economic operators across Europe, ESA patents, the brokers can provide an assessment of technologies that best suite your needs.
  • Brokering introductions to potential collaborators and clients. Events, workshops and 1 to 1 meetings will be organized to connect economic operators interested on the transfer of technology among space and non-space sectors.
  • Business support and coaching. It includes technical feasibility and market analysis, guidance and support on funding opportunities.
Get involved in our Technology Brokerage actvities

These services are supported by the other three elements of the ESA Technology Broker Spain, to accelerate the technology integration and product development process:

Spark Funding

The Spark Funding program aims to support economic operators in defining new solutions by offering financing to up to 10 projects selected in open calls.

  • Spin-in & Spin-off. For transference of terrestrial technologies into space sector (spin-in) and space technologies into other sectors (spin-off).
  • Feasibility Studies or Demonstration pilots. Both type of projects can be supported.
  • Funding Support. Get up to 300K€ of ESA co-funding depending on the type of economic operator (from 50% to 100%).
Access to the Spark Funding Open Call and get all details

IP for Commercialization

Get financial suport for legal advice on intellectual property protection trhough an Open Call. It will remain open until funds are depleted.

  • IP Strategy. You can use the funding to define the strategy to protect, manage and commercially exploit IP.
  • IP comming from different development paths. their intellectual property that results from ESA and national activities and programmes.
  • Funding Support. Get up to 10K€ of ESA funding.
Access to the IP for Commercialization Open Call and get all details

Prepare for Space

Prepare for Space, is an initiative designed to empower and prepare companies to access to the space market, with support and training on how to carry out economic activities in the industry, connection with the business ecosystem, and specific support in the search for business opportunities. You will be able to design the support package, selecting the most convenient services:

  • Workshops to identify relevant competences. Support on the definition of a value proposition and determine where you could be positioned within the value chain.
  • Funding Opportunities support. Coaching Economic Operators on specific relevant funding calls.
  • Long-term Coaching. Funding opportunities scouting, connection with ecoystems (partners and customers).
Access to the Prepare for Space Open Call and get all details