Technology Brokerage

Opportunity for technology cross fertilization among space and non-space

Technology Descriptors

Share with us space technologies that could be transferred to other sectors; or terrestrial technologies that can be exported to space.

We will identify suitable teams that my be interested on your technologies.

Enter Informatin about your Technology

Technology Needs

Get in touch and share your technology need or innovation challenge for space or terrestrial application.

We will search among our network of technology providers for a solution to your need.

Enter Information about your Need

Available ESA Patents and ESA Software licenses

ESA makes its intellectual property available to European space companies within its 22 Member States, on a freely-licensed basis. Acces to the list of available technologies and discuss with our brokers if you want to explore some of them.

ESA Patent Portfolio European Space Software Repository

Workshops & Events

Attend our events to foster the technology transfer among space and terrestrial sectors.

Learn more