
IP4C, Arkadia case

Arkadia Space refines the Intellectual Property roadmap thanks to IP 4 Commercialization Program, fostering innovation and sustainable space exploration.

  • 10/12/2024

SATLANTIS and Dotphoton: Enhance Satellite Imaging Efficiency with ESA Collaboration

In a landmark collaboration, SATLANTIS and Dotphoton have tripled the imaging capacity of the GEISAT Precursor satellite, paving the way for unprecedented environmental monitoring.

  • 02/12/2024

Cedrion: Cooling and Purifying the Future with Space-Age Technology

Cedrion, a pioneering Spanish start-up, is harnessing technology from the European Space Agency (ESA) to redefine cooling and air purification.

  • 13/11/2024

ESA Technology Broker Spain Press Release

ESA selects Arribes and UPM tofoster innovation trhough ESA Technology Broker Spain

  • 02/05/2024