Know the Team

Excellence in the proces thanks to experienced staff

The Team

The ESA Technology Broker for Spain is Arribes in collaboration with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Arribes focuses on innovation and the integration of space technologies into terrestrial applications to enhance industry efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. UPM, the largest technical university in Spain, brings extensive expertise with over 200 Research Units and numerous institutes, supporting a wide range of engineering disciplines.

Arribes Enlightenment

Named after the Arribes del Duero region, Arribes focuses on transfering leading-edge space technology to various sectors to propel technological advancement. Arribes provides support to several private and public institutions, and participates in projects and consultation initiatives with corporates, startups, and policy makers, leveraging their experience in deeptech and entrepreneurship.

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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

UPM is the oldest and largest Spanish Technical University, with more than 4,000 faculty members, around 48,000 undergraduate students and 6,000 postgraduates in 21 Schools of study. UPM’s Schools cover most engineering disciplines, including Aeronautical and Space. UPM boasts over 200 Research Units and several Research Institutes and Technological Centres. Two departments from UPM work within the ESA Technology Broker Spain, IDR (Instituto Ignacio Dariva) and CAIT (Innovation Support Centre).

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Team Leaders

Supported by a team of experienced business and engineering professionals, ESA Technology Broker Spain is led by

Noelia Sánchez Ortiz

Project Manager for ESA Technology Broker Spain.

Noelia is PhD in Aerospace Engineering, expert in Space sector, business and strategy.

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Manuel Laborda

Deputy Project Manager for ESA Technology Broker Spain.

Manuel is an expert in SME development, innovation and bussines operation.

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