ESA Technology Broker and ScaleUp program

Operated at National level, part of an European Network

ESA commercialization

ESA commercialization program has the ambition of making Europe a space commercialization hub, with global space companies with large impact in the future.

In order to achieve this purpose, the European Space Agency offers support with innovation, commercial assistance, or access to global investor networks, through two main approaches: Innovate and Invest.


ScaleUp INNOVATE helps transform great ideas into commercial realities, supporting the innovation process to develop space products or services upstream, in the space market, or downstream, for other industrial uses. The implementation of ScaleUp Innovate support is managed by deployment at national or regional level of:


ESA Phi-LABNET facilitates research into groundbreaking science and technology development that have high commercial potential, offering co-funding and technical assistance to explore business concepts.

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ESA Business Incubation Centres (BICs) are European hubs offering a range of services to support start-up firms to bring innovative products and services – using space technology or data – to space and terrestrial markets.

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ESA Technology Brokers

ESA Technology Brokers facilitate the transfer of technology for commercial purposes, using space technology to meet industrial challenges and terrestrial innovations to meet space ones. With a combination of market pull and technology push, the network offered a wide range of tailored support, customized at each country.

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ScaleUp INVEST gives companies operating in upstream and downstream markets access to ESA’s network of Business Accelerators and the Marketplace, helping them achieve sustained commercial growth.

ScaleUp’s Business Accelerators

ScaleUp’s Business Accelerators enhance the commercial growth potential of promising European space companies by supporting business development and market readiness activities, facilitating access to finance and strengthening networks to new markets and customers.

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ScaleUp INVEST Marketplace

The ScaleUp INVEST Marketplace aggregates and supports demand for new products and services, matching it with potential providers. ESA acts as broker, bridging the gap by co-financing B2B deals, accelerating transactions and enabling future space leaders to take their operations to the next level.

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