IP for Commercialization

Funding for legal advice on intellectual property protection

Open Call IP for Commercialization

Get financial suport for legal advice on intellectual property protection through an Open Call.

Successful applicants will receive Funding support up to a maximum amount of €10,000€ and within a maximum 12 months period.

For ESA IP for Commercialization in Spain welcome applications from Economic Operators addressing the request of funding for activities carried out by an IP Specialist external to the Economic Operator fulfilling the following conditions:

  • IP Strategy. You can use the funding to define the strategy to protect, manage and commercially exploit IP.
  • IP comming from different development paths. their intellectual property that results from ESA and national space activities and programmes.

The Call is permanently open until the program budget is depleted and has no closing date for the submission of applications. Evaluation and selection of applications are scheduled on a quarterly basis. First applications will be selected in September 2024, at the latest.

How to Apply

  • Consult the details of the Open Call in the Invitation to Apply.
  • Download and fill the ESA IP for Commercialization Application Template.
  • Submit the completed ESA IP for commercialization Application in electronic form as a single .pdf document to [email protected] with subject “ESA IP for Commercialization Funding Spain Open Call”.

Additional Information of Interest

Re-corded Webinar on IP for commercialization with legal experts (10/07/2024).

view the Recorded Webinar on IP for Commercialization

The ESA Learning Hub offers a series of lectures on IP and Patents that can be of interest:

ESA IP and patents lecture series 2023 ESA IP and patents lecture series 2023